Tigran Tsitoghdzyan is an Armenian artist based in New York. Growing up as a child prodigy, he went on to study at the Yerevan Fine Arts Academy in Armenia and the École Cantonale d’Art du Valais in Switzerland. Tigran's work revolves around human emotions and internal conflicts. He draws inspiration from classical art such as renaissance paintings and Hellenistic reliefs.
In his two recent series – Mirrors and Self Isolation – Tigran explores society’s obsession with social media and the delicate equilibrium between personal privacy and self-promotion on these platforms. The pieces are highly-detailed, contemplative, and multi-layered exposing the concealed truths behind social media. Self-Isolation addresses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the world and is autobiographical in nature, portraying bodies in complex positions. This series is also a depiction of the contrast between confined spaces and human autonomy.
Tigran Tsitoghdzyan has created his unique AKNEYE sculpture alongside an NFT collection in collaboration with AKNEYE and ftNFT. The eye sculpture, called "Eye Mirrored" features Tigran's signature layered style. The collaboration showcases Tigran's ability to adapt to new technologies and mediums while still staying true to his artistic style.